托福 托福 60 - Earth' s Core
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7.According to paragraph 4, why do scientists believe that Earth' s core consists of materials of very high density?
  • A.Under the extreme pressure conditions near the center of Earth, any materials would become very dense.
  • B.Without a very dense core, Earth's overall density would not be as high as it is found to be
  • C.Earth' s deep interior is known to be solid, and solids are always denser than liquids.
  • D.Earth' s core is known to contain the same high-density rocks that are formed on Earth' s surface.
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    阅读原文 中文译文

    Knowledge of Earth's deep interior is derived from the study of the waves produced by earthquakes, called seismic waves Among the various kinds of seismic waves are primary waves (P-waves) and secondary waves (S­waves). Primary and secondary waves pass deep within Earth and therefore are the most instructive. Study of abrupt changes in the characteristics of seismic waves at different depths provides the basis for a threefold division of Earth into a central core; a thick, overlying mantle: and a thin, enveloping crust. Sudden changes in seismic wave velocities and angles of transmission are termed discontinuities.

    One of the discontinuities is the Gutenberg discontinuity, which is located nearly halfway to the center of Earth at a depth of 2,900 kilometers and marks the outer boundary of Earth's core. At that depth, the S-waves cannot propagate, while at the same time P-wave velocity is drastically reduced S-waves are unable to travel through fluids. Thus, if S-waves were to encounter a fluidlike region of Earth' s interior, they would be absorbed there and would not be able to continue. Geophysicists believe this is what happens to S-waves as they enter the outer core. As a result, the S-waves generated on one side of Earth fail to appear at seismograph stations on the opposite side of Earth, and this observation is the principal evidence of an outer core that behaves as a fluid. Unlike S-waves, P-waves are able to pass through liquids They are, however, abruptly slowed and sharply refracted (bent) as they enter a fluid medium. Therefore, as P-waves encounter the molten outer core of Earth, their velocity is reduced and they are refracted downward.

    The radius of the core is about 3,500 kilometers. The inner core is solid and has a radius of about 1,220 kilometers, which makes this inner core slightly larger than the Moon. Most geologists believe that the inner core has the same composition as the outer core and that it can only exist as a solid because of the enormous pressure at the center of Earth. Evidence of the existence of a solid inner core is derived from the study of hundreds of records of seismic waves produced over several years. These studies showed that the inner core behaves seismically as if it were a solid.

    Earth has an overall density of 5.5 grams per cubic centimeter, yet the average density of rocks at the surface is less than 3.0 grams per cubic centimeter. This difference indicates that materials of high density must exist in the deep interior of the planet to achieve the 5.5 grams per cubic centimeter overall density. Under the extreme pressure conditions that exist in the region of the core, iron mixed with nickel would very likely have the required high density. Laboratory experiments, however, suggest that a highly pressurized iron-nickel alloy might be too dense and that minor amounts of such elements such as silicon, sulfur, carbon, or oxygen may also be present to lighten the core material.

    Support for the theory that the core is composed of iron (85 percent) with lesser amounts of nickel has come from the study of meteorites. Many of these samples of solar system materials are iron meteorites that consist of metallic iron alloyed with a small percentage of nickel Some geologists suspect that iron meteorites may be fragments from the core of a shattered planet. The presence of iron meteorites in our solar system suggests that the existence of an iron­nickel core for Earth is plausible.

    There is further evidence that Earth may have a metallic core. Anyone who understands the functioning of a compass is aware that Earth has a magnetic field. The planet itself behaves as if there was a great bar magnet embedded within it. A magnetic field is developed by the flow of electric charges and requires good electrical conductors. Silicate rocks, such as those in the mantle and crust, do not conduct electricity very well, whereas metals such as iron and nickel are good conductors. Heat-driven movements in the outer core, coupled with movements induced by Earth' s spin, are thought to provide the necessary flow of electrons (very small particles that carry a negative charge) around the inner core that produces the magnetic field. Without a metallic core, Earth' s magnetic field would not be possible.

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    • wx_6697
      觉得B C 意思一样,不知道选哪个
    • wx_5576
    • wx_5576
    • wx_6697
      TPO30 passage 2 Q5我选的 D,不明白为啥不对?
    • wx_6697
      鑫哥,TPO6passage3Q5 答案是给错了吗?好多人都选A
    • wx_6697
    • wx_6697
    • 芊儿
      为什么这道题不选c??a中的variety不是应该对应文中的differentiating 吗??求解!
    • wx_1000
    • 王金阁
    • 芊儿
      这道题的D选项不是和文中的better able to reproduce in open settings相对应么??
    • 风荨火
    • 以沫
      请问这个D 在哪里提现?为什么D错?
    • 芊儿
      第六题 的C选择为什么不对,感觉A是明显驳斥啊...
    • wx_6697
    • wx_6697
      这题选的A,根据是Joly’s calculations clearly supported those geologists who insisted on an age for Earth far in excess of a few million years.想问鑫哥为啥不选A
    • wx_6697
      这题我选的是C依据是into a new habitat outside of its natural range, it may adapt to the new environment and leave its enemies behind.C为啥错了呢?鑫哥
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      F选项的weather-related destruction在哪里体现了呢?原文最后一段的开头Among the costs里的costs是不是打错了?应该是coast?
    • wx_6697
      求问这道题B为啥不选,原文依据:viable seeds of pioneer species can be found in large numbers on some forest floors.
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    • 李浩然
    • wx_100
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      请问鑫哥,这段开头有写As one pesticide replaces another为什么不是对应a new pesticide is developed?
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      鑫哥,从哪里看出来这个masks 不是use呀,原文说了wear呀
    • haiyuqiao
      @鑫哥,这题the damage will continue 不应该对应前面的 the target species evolves resistance to it,然后As one pesticide replaces another,不应该是结束了time cycle 吗
    • wx_2065
    • wx_7695
      鑫哥,B选项 cannot extended to earlier geological periods. 原文说的意思是后来的进化无法估计吧
    • wx_2163
    • wx_7780
    • 100
      看到第一句话,以为是中心句就选了A... 为什么不能选A呢
    • 100
    • gu33
      请问下 这里选D的原因是 因为 evolutionary approach 对应着 原文的 Rates of evolution 嘛? 这里我选了C。。不是很懂 插入句和 D的关系 求解答
    • 我是啦啦啦
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    • haiyuqiao
    • wx_7060
      为什么选a 呢。我觉得a是细节。F哪错了?
    • wx_1105
    • wx_8122
    • wx_1655
    • chaulaw
    • chaulaw
    • wx_6697
      鑫哥,这道题答案是不是错了,好多人选D 我也选的D求解答
    • wx_6697
    • wx_6697
    • wx_6697
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      it is difficult to say how far they were intended to be portraits rather than generalized images 这句话怎么理解呢
    • 此楠楠
    • 此楠楠
      求鑫哥讲解下A选项。。。 Even though in error, Joly’s calculations clearly supported those geologists who insisted on an age for Earth far in excess of a few million years.