托福 托福 61 - Grasses of the Prairie
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4.The word "stockpiled'in the passage is closest in meaning to
  • A.not needed
  • B.produced
  • C.produced
  • D.inactive
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    阅读原文 中文译文

    Around 140 species of grasses naturally occur in the arid Great Plains grasslands of North America One key to the prairie grasses' success is their ability to conserve water in a dry environment. Like most plants, grasses take in water through their roots and lose it as water vapor through tiny mouth-shaped valves, or stomata, in their leaves. The larger the surface of the leaf and the more stomata it bears, the greater the risk that the plant will lose too much moisture through evaporation and collapse Grasses are protected from this trauma by having a reduced number of stomata and by the design of their leaves, which take the form of narrow blades What' s more, the surfaces of these reduced leaves are often modified—corrugated with ridges or covered in hairs-so that the wind can' t sweep across the surface and draw out moisture The roughened surface holds a thin layer of humid air next to the leaf and thus helps to reduce the "evaporative demand," or drying power, of the atmosphere. Some grasses, including western wheatgrass, June grass, and blue grama, roil up the edges of their leaves during times of drought to help keep their tissues from drying out.

    Why aren' t the stomata kept tightly closed to seal moisture inside the leaf? The reason is that the stomata also supply plants with fresh air for photosynthesis. If plants sealed their stomata, this life-sustaining process would come to a halt for lack of carbon dioxide. But if the stomata are thrown wide open, the plants risk death due to the loss of moisture through their gaping valves. Prairie grasses resolve this dilemma by strategic scheduling. In the fierce blaze of the midday sun, the stomata close so that water vapor is held in and carbon dioxide is kept out. In this state, the leaf can capture solar energy and store it in energy-rich molecules (a process that requires sunlight but not carbon dioxide). Then, in the cool of the evening, when the evaporative demand drops off, the stomata snap open, letting water vapor trickle out but also permitting carbon dioxide to flood into the leaf. By moblizing the energy that was stockpiled earlier in the day, the leaf uses this carbon dioxide to manufacture the sugars and other molecules that it needs for growth (a process that can be accomplished in total darkness). The result is that prairie grasses are partially nocturnal: they do most of their growing at night or in the early hours of the morning.

    Prairie grasses also have another ingenious way of evading the demands of the sun. Like many grassland creatures (prairie dogs, ground squirrels, cottontails, badgers, and so on), they take refuge underground What we think of as "grass' ' -the aboveground leaves and stems-actually constitutes less than half of the organism Between 60 and 80 percent of the plant, by weight, typically grows below ground. A 3-meter stand of big bluestem is anchored underground by a mass of coarse, fibrous roots that reaches as much as 3 6 meters into the earth Blue grama, for its part, seldom lifts its seed heads very far above the ground, but its network of fine, branching roots can sometimes probe the soil for water almost two meters down.

    These extensive systems of roots push thirstily through the soil, intent on sucking up every available drop of water. But if the soil is very dry, as it is during periods of drought, the roots can' t draw in enough moisture to keep pace with losses from the stomata. Grasses respond by transferring their most valuable resources (including sugars and proteins) from their leaves into their roots and, especially, into their rhizomes (underground stems). Dead to the world above ground-withered and crisp-the plants live frugally below the surface, drawing on their cached supplies and biding their time until the weather improves When the rains eventually return, as they inevitably do, the grasses explode into action, sending out fresh rhizomes, which in turn put out fresh leaves and roots, to produce a burgeoning network of tender growth. The amazingly resilient blue grama can revive from dormancy, become green, and grow on as little as five millimeters of rainfall.

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    • wx_6697
      觉得B C 意思一样,不知道选哪个
    • wx_5576
    • wx_5576
    • wx_6697
      TPO30 passage 2 Q5我选的 D,不明白为啥不对?
    • wx_6697
      鑫哥,TPO6passage3Q5 答案是给错了吗?好多人都选A
    • wx_6697
    • wx_6697
    • 芊儿
      为什么这道题不选c??a中的variety不是应该对应文中的differentiating 吗??求解!
    • wx_1000
    • 王金阁
    • 芊儿
      这道题的D选项不是和文中的better able to reproduce in open settings相对应么??
    • 风荨火
    • 以沫
      请问这个D 在哪里提现?为什么D错?
    • 芊儿
      第六题 的C选择为什么不对,感觉A是明显驳斥啊...
    • wx_6697
    • wx_6697
      这题选的A,根据是Joly’s calculations clearly supported those geologists who insisted on an age for Earth far in excess of a few million years.想问鑫哥为啥不选A
    • wx_6697
      这题我选的是C依据是into a new habitat outside of its natural range, it may adapt to the new environment and leave its enemies behind.C为啥错了呢?鑫哥
    • wx_8861
      F选项的weather-related destruction在哪里体现了呢?原文最后一段的开头Among the costs里的costs是不是打错了?应该是coast?
    • wx_6697
      求问这道题B为啥不选,原文依据:viable seeds of pioneer species can be found in large numbers on some forest floors.
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      与托福的斗争史 去解答 去解答
    • 小雨淅沥哗啦的下
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    • 小雨淅沥哗啦的下
      小雨淅沥哗啦的下 去解答 去解答
    • 李浩然
    • wx_100
    • wx xxxxx
      请问鑫哥,这段开头有写As one pesticide replaces another为什么不是对应a new pesticide is developed?
    • wx_7695
      鑫哥,从哪里看出来这个masks 不是use呀,原文说了wear呀
    • haiyuqiao
      @鑫哥,这题the damage will continue 不应该对应前面的 the target species evolves resistance to it,然后As one pesticide replaces another,不应该是结束了time cycle 吗
    • wx_2065
    • wx_7695
      鑫哥,B选项 cannot extended to earlier geological periods. 原文说的意思是后来的进化无法估计吧
    • wx_2163
    • wx_7780
    • 100
      看到第一句话,以为是中心句就选了A... 为什么不能选A呢
    • 100
    • gu33
      请问下 这里选D的原因是 因为 evolutionary approach 对应着 原文的 Rates of evolution 嘛? 这里我选了C。。不是很懂 插入句和 D的关系 求解答
    • 我是啦啦啦
      我是啦啦啦 去解答 去解答
    • haiyuqiao
    • wx_7060
      为什么选a 呢。我觉得a是细节。F哪错了?
    • wx_1105
    • wx_8122
    • wx_1655
    • chaulaw
    • chaulaw
    • wx_6697
      鑫哥,这道题答案是不是错了,好多人选D 我也选的D求解答
    • wx_6697
    • wx_6697
    • wx_6697
    • wx_6697
    • wx_4185
      it is difficult to say how far they were intended to be portraits rather than generalized images 这句话怎么理解呢
    • 此楠楠
    • 此楠楠
      求鑫哥讲解下A选项。。。 Even though in error, Joly’s calculations clearly supported those geologists who insisted on an age for Earth far in excess of a few million years.