1.And that's thanks in part to a substance in their cell walls called Chitin.
2.Now a lot of people think fungi are related to plants, but they are not. Believe it or not, the only other place chitin is found in abundance is in the exoskeletons of insects, crabs and such.
3.So in this sense, fungi are more associated with insects than with any plant. Strange, huh?
4.And the chitin in the cell walls of a filamentous fungus...a filament, of course, is a long thread-like structure, cells joined end to end.
5.Filamentous fungi grow in soil and in decaying vegetation.
6.And as their name implies they exist as filaments.
7.And although regarded as microorganisms, filaments from a single fungus can fan out to occupy many square meters or even several square kilometers of forest floor.
8.Their vast surface area allows them to break down and take in huge amounts of nutrients, but beyond that, the filaments also pull out of the soil a great deal of the pollution that might be in there, especially heavy metals.
9.And here is where chitin comes in, like some other substances in fungal cell walls, chitin forms strong chemical bonds to heavy metals in the environment, in a process we call adsorption.