The Plain of Jars is an archaeological site in the Southeast Asian country of Laos. At the site, hundreds of large stone jars, ranging in size from one to three meters, are scattered across the countryside. These numerous large containers are around 2,000 years old. The original purpose of the jars is unknown, but archaeologists have several theories. First, the jars may have been used for fermentation. In fermentation, food or drink is left in a sealed container in order to undergo a chemical change According to some local residents, the jars were originally constructed by a king in order to ferment a special beverage to celebrate a great victory It would be possible to use the jars for fermentation, so the local people's story could be true. Second, the jars may have been used for water storage. Laos experiences rainy and dry seasons, and finding water during the dry seasons can be difficult. The Plain of Jars is located near ancient trade routes, where traveling traders may have needed drinking water. The jars could have been constructed to collect water during the rainy season so that traders passing through the area would have a source of drinking water during the dry seas on Third, it is possible that the Plain of Jars was an ancient burial site, and the jars were tombs (places where human remains are deposited). Much of the contents of the ancient jars is now gone, but they are large enough to hold human remains. Furthermore, artifacts such as metal tools, jewelry, and glass beads have been found in some of the jars. Burying the dead alongside valuable artifacts was a common practice in ancient cultures. Ancient people may have buried their dead in the jars along with the artifacts