托福 新托福-46 Question 2


No More Posters Outside the Student Center

Traditionally, students have been permitted to put up posters advertising events, clubs, and activities on the concrete wall outside the main entrance to the student center. Beginning next semester, however, students will no longer be allowed to attach anything to the front of the building. According to a university official, the new policy is part of an effort to improve the campus’s appearance. “The posters on the wall make the building unattractive," he said, "so they have to come down." He added that posters can instead be displayed in the dining hall: "Students can use the bulletin board in the dining hall for posters, so the policy change should not be a problem.

听力材料 精听练习

The woman expresses her opinion about the new policy. Briefly describe the policy. Then state the woman’s opinion about the policy, and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.


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